baGoes Classic - Hijau

2016-02-04 |

dilihat sebanyak (745 kali)

Rp. 38.500

baGoes Classic merupakan tas jinjing yang dapat dilipat dan dapat di gunakan dalam segala aktifitas.

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baGoes Classic merupakan tas jinjing yang dapat dilipat, handy dan merupakan tas yang dapat di gunakan dalam segala aktifitas.

This New Classic is available in a variety of colors and size


100% polyester fabric.

It measures 24 cm wide, 44 cm high, and 9 cm deep when unfold.

4.5 cm wide, 6.5 cm high, 2.4 cm deep handy in your hand when it fold.

Maximum capacity is 7 kilos.

This is machine washable


100% polyester fabric.

It measures 32 cm wide / 62 cm high / and 14 cm deep, when unfold.

6.3 cm wide / 8 cm high / 2.4 cm deep, handy in your hand when it fold.

Maximum capacity is 13 kilos.

This is machine washable


100% polyester fabric.

It measures 42 cm wide / 68 cm high / 15 cm deep,  when unfold.

6.3 cm wide / 11 cm high / 2.4 cm deep, handy in your hand when it fold.

Maximum capacity is 21 kilos.

This is machine washable
