Tote - Ridwan Kamil

2016-02-10 |

dilihat sebanyak (871 kali)

Rp. 46.200

Totebag ini merupakan jenis kantung berbahan baby canvas yang didesain atas kolaborasi dengan Ridwan Kamil

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Designed by Ridwan Kamil

“This image portrays the notion that life has to be in balance. Achieving a balance is the hardest thing to do. It is not possible to stop building things, however it is also not possible to keep building things without maintaining balance. As with the concept of The Cradle of Life, Earth resembles our mother that nurtures us as humans living with nature. Cradle is crib of life from our mother we call Earth. The message is let us take action, while keeping in mind to maintain balance.”


Full printed on baby canvas, it measures 35 cm wide and 42 cm high, it’ll be able to put your A4 organizer into itFolds into a compact 11 cm by 11 cm . Strong enough to bring your stuff until 3 kilos. This is machine washable.


Harga berdasarkan jumlah pesanan :

44.000 - 41.800
41-800 - 38.500
38.500 - 35.035
35.035 - 33.000