New Trek Grey

2016-02-10 |

dilihat sebanyak (741 kali)

Rp. 106.700

Tas trek adalah tas punggung yang berdesain klasik dan memiliki kelebihan dapat dilipat hingga ukuran kecil.

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is foldable and compact backpack bag that is perfect for your activity. This bag is suitable for your travel or daily bag at once for plastic bag diet.

100% polyester fabric


It measures 30 cm wide / 45 cm high / and 15 cm deep, when unfold.

21,5 cm wide / 21,5 cm high / 3 cm deep, handy in your hand when it folded.

Maximum capacity is 10 kilos (recommended), Machine washable.


30 x 15 x 45 cm


Harga berdasarkan jumlah pesanan :

Regular PolyesterRegular Micro
100-499106.700 - 104.500
110.000 - 108.350
500-999104.500 - 102.850108.350 - 106.150
1.000-4.999102.850 - 100.870
106.150 - 104.500
5.000-10.000100.870 - 99.000
104.500 - 102.850
< 102.850